Friday, April 24, 2009

Finishing Madrid - On to San Sebastian

I met some really cool people in Madrid, once again. It is amazing how in pretty much every place I stop I am able to find some really genuine people to hang out with, enjoy conversation with, and just get to know pretty well during our few days together. Putting myself out there and getting to know complete strangers is something I would hardly ever do before I left on this trip. Its pretty cool. I have really appreciated not having a computer or phone for this long as well, and considering how much I am on the computer at home, its pretty incredible.

Anyway thanks to a few recommendations from a friend of mine I found some cool places to hang out at in Madrid. I took my new friends there and they all enjoyed them as well. One of the people I was spending time with works 6 months of the year as a tour guide taking people all throughout Europe on busses. The more we talked about it the more it sounded like a great opportunity and it is something that I am thinking about applying for, and since she has worked for the company for 4 years Im sure that her recommendation would get me the job. We´ll see how that works out though, because I am not sure if I want to do that right now. The next opening would be a year and a half from now anyway.

I am still not sure what I want to do when I get home, in terms of school, work, traveling, etc. but I do have a lot more options going through my head, which is good. I think it would be awesome to move somewhere exciting and just get a job doing who knows what. I think I was too concentrated on looking for something that I wanted to do for the rest of my life before I left. Its a pretty American idea to start your career right after you finish school. Not saying that is a bad thing. I got a new book called ¨Whats so great about America¨ which is by, who is becoming my favourite author, Dinesh Dsouza. He is the guy that wrote ¨Whats so great about Christianity¨which I loved so much. This book is just as good and just as easy to read, Ill probably finish it quite soon. Especially considering the train rides I have coming up. San Sebastian took 5.5 hours, to Paris will take about 8 (hopefully at night) and to London will take 3 on the super fast train. During the flight I think Ill get up to date on all the movies I havent seen. Its weird not watching TV or a movie for this long.

San Sebastian is a nice city. Small enough to walk everywhere. The weather today was unfortunately not beach worthy, so instead I went on a hike to the castle of San Sebastian where there is a giant statue of Jesus that they have in the middle of the city, above the castle, on a mountain. It was pretty cool. This whole part of the country is really cool. Really green, lots of hills, some mountains, there is ocean, it rains a good amount, its sunny and warm usually.. all together its pretty neat.

Apparently San Sebastian has more bars and restaurants per square meter than any other city in the world. They have some of the best rated restaurants in the world as well. I think there are 2 Michelin 3 star restaurants here which is incredible. I looked at the menu and I could get a 12 course meal for 140 Euros including wine paired with each dish. Maybe one day.

The pintxos which are tapas in the Basque region are amazing. By far the best Ive had. I got here last night and just wandered around the old town looking for places that were crowded, would have a tiny beer and a pintxo and move on. They charge you by the pintxo and they are usually about 2-3 euros each. All of them are delicious.

So it looks like Im just going to chill in San Sebastian a couple more days and then go back to Paris. There are a couple more hikes I can do here, but Im hoping for some beach weather.




  1. Kyle - we are so happy that you have had this opportunity to travel and through this you have been able to examine your life and try to figure out what you might want to do in the future. You are so right - so many people think they need to finish school and go right to work. You are so fortunate to be able to take time and enjoy the world and figure out what you want to do. At my college graduation (many moons ago!) our commencement speaker spoke to that very fact - that it is important to experience different avenues before settling into your life's work. Some are fortunate enough to know right away - but it is also important to take the time to discover yourself and then decide what is going to make you most happy. You are still so young and you do not need to rush into something just because! I cannot believe you only have 1 week left of this amazing adventure - and I can't thank you enough for taking us along with you. It has been our extreme pleasure to read of all your experiences and appreciate you inviting us to share them with you. We will miss these entries but look forward the remaining few you will have! Enjoy the beach - pintxos - beer - your new friends - and Paris! We love you - be safe and take care - talk to you later...

    Lel :)

  2. bummer no beach weather, not much better here right now either, so surf either. you got to lemme know if you find any surf or maybe talk to the locals about surfing and where is best for me prz, ty

  3. heyyyy if you're going to be in Paris for a few days you should contact my friend Amanda Hicok! she's been living there this past semester attending Parsons Paris and I'm sure she knows a bunch of cool local places to go! (she has a facebook just in case you want to look her up)

  4. Well Kronge you will definitely be a different man when you get back home. That's going to be very interesting to see. I don't know what it is but everytime I read your blogs now I get all teary, happy teary. I'm so happy you have gotten to experience all that you have. I ditto Lels entry (made me teary too, thx Lel). It will be interesting to see what decisions you make. Maybe you should blog your whole life up to an old man. We'll call it Kyle's life experiment!JK. Can't wait until you get home and actually get to hear everything! But mostly to hug and kiss you!! Until then...MUUUWAAAAAHHH ~:D

  5. Hey Kyle,
    On your way back to Paris. You will feel like an expert since this is your second time around. It will be nice seeing it in the spring instead of the winter. We can't believe that you will be home soon. What an adventure you have had. I expect you will be a new man. This is a once in a life time adventure. We are so glad that you really went for it! Can't wait for you to come home. We miss you! Jan and Dad.

  6. xoxoxxoxox
    can't wait to see you

