Thursday, March 12, 2009

Vienna Pictures

friends, after the opera so i was still dressed up, only one person wanted to go with me to it. I actually liked it a lot.
i went to the opera
Supposedly the best chocolate torte in the world. Ive had better chocolate cake tbqh


  1. Hey traveling man,
    Sure looks like you are seeing it all.
    So happy for you, son.
    Really looks like you’re having a good time.
    It is going to be hard for you to come back to reality.
    BTW, today is the halfway mark of your trip. Oh No!
    Take care, Kyle.
    Love, Dad

  2. Hey Kyle,
    You an and Bryce will be starting your Italian adventure in a couple of days. What a treat! You will love Italy. I'll be giving Bryce some fun Italian phrases and with your black boots you will fit right in. So wish your Dad and I were having a glass of chianti with you guys in Roma! Have an amazing time, love, Jan

  3. Dear Kyle,

    Update... You have been online twice. I just want to be sure you are okay so I can avoid being sad.
